
April 13, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

since some time now is the old steel mill that formed part of the heritage in Dortmund. Since the mid 1800 it was an integral part of the city and contributed a lot to it's character and 'flair' of Dortmund being a working town in the Rhein-Ruhr district. Not only are all the steel mills are gone, so are the coal mines that went hand in hand with the stell mills. The following photos are of a remenant that has been left for museum purposes and is rotting away slowly, sourounded by all the new and 'smart' technology that is springing up around the place. We will see if the new and smart will last as long as this place did, certainly it does not add the same to the town it ones was. Sourounding the mill were lot's of pubs, the working mans watering holes, all gone. It will take a while for the area to pick up again and become prospeous, at least the 'Rust Belt' image is not there as it was taken appart by the Chinese who numbered every piece, dismanteled it and shipped it to China. I wonder if they are looking for these parts :).

This image was taken with the EP2 and the 90mm Summicron, probably at F2.8 and then quickly post processed. Some of the 90 Summicron images are a bit soft, the 50 Summicron is much better (or so I think).

Again, the 90mm Summicron at F2.8, the ambient light was dark (clouds) and the interior of the old production hall was dark as well. I used post processing and some booster on the colour side.

Also 90mm Summicron and post processed to convert into BW. With the EVF on the EP2 it works well if the light is not to difficult. MFT gives a reach with the 90, making it a 180mm at F2.8 which in itself is not bad.

This one was with the K5, as a JPG and not the DNG since I have no RAW processing software with me.

Also this one is with the K5 at 24mm, post processed JPG. Will have to see what I can do with the DNG once back home.

I can't believe that the day after tomorrow I have to go back to Beirut, more and more I feel I need a change. Except for the weather, nothing is better there.


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