Time flies.....

October 04, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

literally, once it has passed,  one asks where did the days go. It is now two months plus  that I wrote or posted any photographs. So, no photos taken, time spend in a capsule void of time? Not really. The time was spend in Germany at various locations for different reasons. Besides the normal leave, I had to take time out from the usual work of sitting behind a desk, charging the " Dead Horse of Administration". I had to do something with my hand again to feel some kind of accomplishment. So, I laid tiles, painted, did woodwork, removed and build a fence, besides visiting family and friends around the country. This was good for my health. Yes, I did photograph during this time, not always highly artistic but enjoyable nevertheless. I went to places in Germany's East I had never seen before, places like 'Ruegen', the countries biggest island, and other beautiful places along the coast in Pomerania. The whole region is well worth a visit. It is true, one does not have to travel around half of the world to find beautiful places. What else? Whiskey is now really getting old, turned 14 on August 2. For his age he seems to be still fairly fit, but now he sleeps a lot. Still the Ravens can never be his friends.


"Balancing act whatched by a Cormoran - Cologne"

Now I am back at the shores of the eastern Mediteranean, in the land of the Phoenecians. Any changes since I left? None really, still the same, just averted to be dragged into a civil war (so far) again by dark forces. One will have to see and wait how long these dark forces can be fought off and prevented from achieving their goals. Time will tell. With recent political developments related to the 'eastern neighbour', they seem to be positive, the very dark clouds of war have given way to more shades of grey. The weather report still has the watched, closely, especially for the local weather and the forecast for the region as well. There is still a possibility for thunderstorms.

"Keys"Many thousands of 'love locks' on the Hohenzollern bridge in Cologne

"Many thousands of 'love locks' on the Hohenzollern bridge in Cologne"

In the mean time the summer here subsiding, it rained several times now, not long but heavy showers, which was very welcome to wash off the dirt. For the real though grit to go, it needs to pour. For shure that is coming too.


"Passion can be anywhere, even right outside and on the walls of Cologne Cathedral. Good Luck!"

Regarding Photography, I mostly used the Olympus system (OMD and P-2). The size and weight is just so much more favourable over the large DSLR's. I only brought back the Olympus, the Pentax remainded in Germany. For what I do in Photography right now, the size of the sensor is not really crucial I believe. The photos posted are just some snapshots of the 7 weeks away from work, giving a 'retirement' a dry run. But what can I say, I am back at chasing the 'Dead horse of Administration' for at least a while.....



"Snake in the water? No just a branch, making it look like a scene from the Amazon"





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