The Rain is coming...

December 31, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

The rain is coming at the end of the year 2015, finally or at least that what is told in the media. Sitting in my office overlooking the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea I can see it coming, the rain that is, approaching from the south like a curtain, visible for miles out on the open sea. And now, within a minute or so it is here, hard rain and a howling wind, changed from partly sunny fifteen minutes ago.

So another year done, two more to go until R-Day. Looking back at 2015 it was not particularly bad or good either. No assignment to a new place this year, although I was requested to go to Somalia twice but this was not approved by management. There were several travels to Germany, the Gulf and South-East Asia, which for the most were enjoyable. Fortunately there were no major health problems  to anyone in the family and myself, only the small things like flues etc.

Photography wise I have been continuing to work on some of my projects, like the Sugar Cane cutters of SE Asia, Rue Hamra here in Beirut and sporadically the Graffiti on walls all around. Not sure how many thousand photos I took[ 5000+ :) ] still thinking not enough anyway. My favourite region in Lebanon remains the Chouf for its serene beauty and cleanliness. Of course there are many other places, but no, this remains the place I like the best here. Although I had planned to visit the north of the country this year, especially the Qadisha Valley and surrounding areas like the birthplace of Khalil Gibran, my favorite Poet, again it did not materialize. But then it remains on my bucket list for 2016.

For the year 2016 I would wish that peace may prevail in this region and anywhere else. Personally I do not have a specific wish except for good health to family, friends and myself. Maybe although that I get some of the passion back for the arts and photography. That really be it, nothing else.

In this sense I would like to wish everyone a VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR 2016!!!


  • Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream.
  • Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
  • If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were.

​by Khalil Gibran



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