From Beirut to....

May 03, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Germany and back to Beirut that was the itinerary in the last weeks. Beirut, the new marina is an impressive place of hip people, cool architecture and sea vistas right next to the place were Rafik Harriri was assassinated next to the St. George Yacht club. Rebuilding Beirut after the Civil War that ended in 1990 has not yet been completed but has made progress and certainly has produced some impressive results architecture wise. I hope that nobody has an interest to destroy it again and reduce it to rubble. The tensions are still running high in the country, especially the north and the Bekaa Valley, were incidents happen on a daily basis. For now we can only see and watch closely and try to read the signs of the time and the signs of things to come as close as humanly possible. After some April Rain (not November Rain as by G&R's) the weather has become warmer now with temperatures in the high 20 and low 30's, but luckily the air is still nice and not stuffy.

Nordkirchen Castle - no, not our house but near by, half an hour driving. It is also called the Westphalian 'Versailles' - really nice area (both photos)

Germany was a totally different scenario. The morning I flew back to Lebanon we had 0 degrees and on arrival in Beirut airport it was 32 degrees, kind of a difference. Also there was not much rain in Germany, many days it was cool and grey. I did not accomplish all the things I wanted to do, as usual, therefore I will take leave without pay later in the year. I did receive my new camera (I know, another one..) this time an Olympus OM-D. So what can I say about it. To begin with it is small, smaller then I thought, but with the grip it is of a more normal size. I have to get used to it. The results of my photographic efforts made with it in Germany look ok, actually it seems that it has great capabilities which I have now to match with creativity. To do that, I need time, peace of mind and be able to concentrate solely on photography, no office and any other nonsense. But again after some skepticism, I now believe the camera is capable of delivering great results at least technically wise, creatively, it is up to me, not the camera.

What else. My dad is all-right but the arthritis in his hands, especially in his right hand has gotten worse lately. I hope he will take the medicine the doctor has prescribed to him, and not do to much self medication, which is, I have to admit, in the family. Whiskey, good old fella, he is now getting really old. He is nearly deaf, but sees still very well. He is still at odds with his arch enemy, even from Pakistan, the black ravens, that or at least that what he seems to be thinking, followed him all the way to Germany. He'll turn 14 on August 2 (or about 98 in human terms) and I hope he will have a great summer and I try to spend some time with him.

Otherwise nothing really to mention, nothing exciting happened. More next time. Bye.

A very boisterous swan that tried to nip me into the leg while photographing him, guess he was mad I had not food.

Whiskey's 'friend' he believes followed him from Pakistan just to steal his food.


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