and from the south of the country onto the neighbours. That was the hot topic for the last few days Besides the material damage, the mental one is probably much bigger then anything else. Due to the rockets last week the usual Beirut sojourn on Sunday had to be cancelled as one could not be sure of further developments. Funerals are now more common since the engagement of one party directly in the conflict. This has led to more tension in the whole area, also amongst the expats, as everyone is just waiting of things to happen. The key question will be how 'they' happen. That something is going to happen all and everyone is convinced. So all in all a lot of happenings, well, except on the photo 'front'.
Since I have been back from Germany, I have not really taken a sensible photo. Yes, ok, here and there, but nothing really of substance. I take the camera to the office every day in anticipation of something, just in case, but so far, thanks God, nothing has happened. I have taken photos of my office view and the flowers in front outside the window, that's it.
In the last few days we had the hot wind blowing from the south and east, bringing dust from the desert and uncomfortable temperatures. The humidity has also shot up, making it even more uncomfortable. With the current situation it is not easy also to take photos here inconspicuously. Maybe I have to resort to some indoor studio work or portraits, but what and/or who? Live in Tyre is actually quite boring and isolated, there is nothing recreational one can do here in the 'South”. The only places that are still half-way safe right now, sounds strange, are Beirut (if no rockets are shot), the Chouf and around Byblos probably. Further north then Byblos, getting closer to Tripoli is not advisable and so the Beekaa Valley. I haven't been back to Kefraya Winery in ages now. Even in the Chouf Mountains, there was a shoot out a few weeks ago related to gun running. Ok it was at night, but still, illicit activity is going on all around the country. The balcony of the apartment is a good and rather safe place, but also boring after some time and no photo ops, only the neighbours :))
Let's see if this weekend in Beirut can bring some change, but these days one also has to be wary where to go in Beirut, not all areas are ok anymore. A couple of weeks ago, while photographing in Hamra, I was tapped on the back while looking through the viewfinder and asked in German if I had some money. This was by a young guy, maybe Syrian, maybe not, who walked away when I said 'No', but it was early morning, nobody else on the street. I did not see him before or see him approaching, he could have robbed just there and then if he had wanted. What still get's me is that he asked me straight away in German! How on earth would he know I am German? I don't feel that I particular look German, I mean no funny sun hat or Sandals and socks or 'Birkenstocks” :)
Anyway, I have to deal with that, maybe I do look German?
This morning while sitting on the balcony and drinking coffee, I read the news that overnight 16 rockets have hit the eastern Bekkaa valley on the Lebanese side. All the rockets were fired from Syria. Only slight material damage, no casualties of human beings. Further afield, this summer season with festivals, like the Baalbek festival, will be most likely the big casualties.
The Electricity situation and the internet are still at a level below the third world. Regardless how things will go, this can only improve.